A few weeks before what could be her final professional UFC fight, Miranda Granger grimaces as she pushes a 45-pound plate up her driveway on Tuesday, July 12, 2022, in Lake Stevens, Washington. Her daughter Austin, age 11 months, is strapped to her back.

A shadow spelling out "equality" is cast against a wall as a part of an art piece set up at the Women's March Florida at Mana Wynwood in Miami on Jan. 21, 2018.

Fourth and fifth graders from Hazelwood Elementary School participate in an orca parade to celebrate ‘Orca Fest’ at their school on Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023 in Lynnwood, Washington. The orca parade was one of several sea-related activities this week for the students, leading up to Orca Recovery Day on Oct. 14.

Anne Long, left, and Stacy Miller, right, embrace while singing "We Shall Overcome" during a vigil held to support the LGBTQIA+ community in response to the recent hate-filled incidents at two regional churches on Tuesday, May 2, 2023 in Edmonds, Washington. Long, from Seattle and Miller, from Ferndale, both felt it was important to attend to “show support”.
Kaylee Williams, 3, smiles as she makes her first snow angel of the day in the front yard of her family's home on Saturday, Feb. 9, 2019 in Everett, Wa. The Puget Sound area was hit by a massive snowstorm for the second time in two weeks resulting in upwards of a foot of snow in some areas of Snohomish county.
Joe Hempel swims in Saratoga Passage off the shore of Langley on Whidbey Island. Hempel is a part of a group of open water swimmers that arrange regular meetups for 30 minutes dips in the frigid cold waters.

Dancers wait in a single file line to enter the longhouse for Salmon Ceremony on Saturday, June 11, 2022 in Tulalip, Washington. Over 100 people gathered on Tulalip Bay to welcome a visitor: yubəč, or the King Salmon. It was a joyous return of the annual tradition after two years of pandemic put the ceremony on hold.

Joseph Cordell, a long time patron of the Everett Skate Deck, demonstrates some of his skate moves in the center of the floor during the final open skate session at the Everett Skate Deck on Sunday, April 3, 2022. After 61 years in business, Everett’s much-loved roller rink closed on Sunday.

Snohomish County Detective Kendra Conley, right, hugs Everett Police Lieutenant Tim Collings, left, after the reading of the verdict at the trial of Richard Rotter at the Snohomish County Courthouse on Monday, April 3, 2023 in Everett, Washington. Rotter, who murdered Everett police officer Dan Rocha in March 2022, was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
On Friday, July 17, a massive fire destroyed the south portion of the Waterfront Apartments that were under construction at the Port of Everett. Authorities sifted through the rubble and eventually determined the fire was not caused by criminal activity. Developers promised to rebuild. The north building, which was mostly untouched by the fire, is to open this year with 135 units. The port itself sallied forth with plans to bolster revenue despite an aerospace cargo decline.
Patrick Cooper, 76, goes to the waterfront daily to see his friends. There’s Honey and Skidplate and dozens of other winged moochers. The birds swarm in for a handout from the man with the bushy white beard.

Shane Freeman, left, hugs his daughter Elizabeth Freeman, 5, after returning from a 4-month deployment aboard the USS Kidd on Friday, Sept. 24, 2021 in Everett, Washington.
Triple B Foundation for Pet Therapy president Brian Hohstadt walks Streaker, the miniature pony, to the entrance of the Special Offenders Unit where he makes monthly visits to the inmates in the Monroe Correctional Complex on Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2018 in Monroe, Washington.

Dozens of colorful canoes are maneuvered into the water of Tulalip Bay as Canoe Families began another day of their journey to Muckleshoot on Friday, July 28, 2023 in Tulalip, Washington.

Jeffery Kichen, 9, left, counts out loud to keep track of how long Xavier Salazar, 12, can hold his breath underwater. The city of Victoria, Texas was hit with a rain storm that caused sudden flooding throughout the city due to the already over-saturated ground from Hurricane Harvey.

Ashley Olson releases green balloons from the dock at Davies Beach in memory of her brother, Joey Mell, who overdosed a year ago on Feb. 23, 2021 in Lake Stevens, Washington. Green was Mell’s favorite color and Olson describes her brother as “gorgeous” and “a real thrill seeker” due to his job as a highline tree trimmer.
Local high school students Bilal Jaddi (left to right), Christian Ayson, Keyshon Rife, Daniel Jenkins and Cameron Asinsin lead the crowd in chants as hundreds of protestors arrive at the parking lot along 84th Street and Mukilteo Speedway during the Black Lives Matter protest on June 7, 2020 in Mukilteo, Washington.

Courtney Mark, 56, pays his respects at the memorials set up outside of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School during back to school orientation day in Parkland, Florida on Sunday, Feb. 25, 2018. "It's too close to home not to come," said Mark. "These could have been our kids."

Avery Nicolayeff, 11 walks across a snow covered field in Forest Park during a brief snowstorm on Feb. 23, 2023 in Everett, Washington. Several school districts delayed classes after 1 or 2 inches fell across Snohomish County lowlands.

Michael Price, 8, rides an empty chair swings ride in the carnival area at the annual Everglades Seafood Festival in Everglades City, Florida on Saturday, Feb. 10, 2018.

A ferry and a tugboat move through a fog as it begins to settle in over Possession Sound in Everett on Nov. 20, 2018.

Kyler Carpenter, 10, left, and Laela Carpenter, 11, look up through a hole that was torn in their roof by Hurricane Harvey. The cousins surveyed the damage on Aug. 27, 2017 to Laela’s family home in Bayside, Texas.

A red truck navigates through floodwaters covering 28th Avenue NW along Pioneer Highway on Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2023 in Stanwood, Washington. Communities near the mouth of the Stillaguamish River remained flooded Wednesday in the aftermath of a major rainstorm. Emergency crews responded to at least 13 rescues, said Scott North, spokesperson for the county’s Department of Emergency Management.
An Everett High School graduate turns away from her cheering mother in embarrassment while her name is called in a nearly silent venue during graduation at Angel of the Winds Arena on Saturday, June 15, 2018 in Everett, Washington.

Kimono Art owners Yu Ugawa, left, and Mariko Kayama, right, help student Kotoko Miyamae, center, get fit in her kimono before a coming of age ceremony on Friday, Jan. 24, 2020 in Everett, Washington. As students turn 20, EvCC celebrates with Japanese tradition.
Riley Wong, 7, shows his pen pal, Smudge, the picture he drew of her during his time as a pen pal through the Pen Pals program at Pasado’s Safe Haven for animals in Sultan, Washington. The animals at Pasado’s Safe Haven have received more than 1,000 letters since Pasado’s Pen Pals launched a year ago in response to the COVID-19 shutdown.

A few weeks before what could be her final professional UFC fight, Miranda Granger grimaces as she pushes a 45-pound plate up her driveway on Tuesday, July 12, 2022, in Lake Stevens, Washington. Her daughter Austin, age 11 months, is strapped to her back.
A shadow spelling out "equality" is cast against a wall as a part of an art piece set up at the Women's March Florida at Mana Wynwood in Miami on Jan. 21, 2018.
Fourth and fifth graders from Hazelwood Elementary School participate in an orca parade to celebrate ‘Orca Fest’ at their school on Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023 in Lynnwood, Washington. The orca parade was one of several sea-related activities this week for the students, leading up to Orca Recovery Day on Oct. 14.
Anne Long, left, and Stacy Miller, right, embrace while singing "We Shall Overcome" during a vigil held to support the LGBTQIA+ community in response to the recent hate-filled incidents at two regional churches on Tuesday, May 2, 2023 in Edmonds, Washington. Long, from Seattle and Miller, from Ferndale, both felt it was important to attend to “show support”.
Kaylee Williams, 3, smiles as she makes her first snow angel of the day in the front yard of her family's home on Saturday, Feb. 9, 2019 in Everett, Wa. The Puget Sound area was hit by a massive snowstorm for the second time in two weeks resulting in upwards of a foot of snow in some areas of Snohomish county.
Joe Hempel swims in Saratoga Passage off the shore of Langley on Whidbey Island. Hempel is a part of a group of open water swimmers that arrange regular meetups for 30 minutes dips in the frigid cold waters.
Dancers wait in a single file line to enter the longhouse for Salmon Ceremony on Saturday, June 11, 2022 in Tulalip, Washington. Over 100 people gathered on Tulalip Bay to welcome a visitor: yubəč, or the King Salmon. It was a joyous return of the annual tradition after two years of pandemic put the ceremony on hold.
Joseph Cordell, a long time patron of the Everett Skate Deck, demonstrates some of his skate moves in the center of the floor during the final open skate session at the Everett Skate Deck on Sunday, April 3, 2022. After 61 years in business, Everett’s much-loved roller rink closed on Sunday.
Snohomish County Detective Kendra Conley, right, hugs Everett Police Lieutenant Tim Collings, left, after the reading of the verdict at the trial of Richard Rotter at the Snohomish County Courthouse on Monday, April 3, 2023 in Everett, Washington. Rotter, who murdered Everett police officer Dan Rocha in March 2022, was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
On Friday, July 17, a massive fire destroyed the south portion of the Waterfront Apartments that were under construction at the Port of Everett. Authorities sifted through the rubble and eventually determined the fire was not caused by criminal activity. Developers promised to rebuild. The north building, which was mostly untouched by the fire, is to open this year with 135 units. The port itself sallied forth with plans to bolster revenue despite an aerospace cargo decline.
Patrick Cooper, 76, goes to the waterfront daily to see his friends. There’s Honey and Skidplate and dozens of other winged moochers. The birds swarm in for a handout from the man with the bushy white beard.
Shane Freeman, left, hugs his daughter Elizabeth Freeman, 5, after returning from a 4-month deployment aboard the USS Kidd on Friday, Sept. 24, 2021 in Everett, Washington.
Triple B Foundation for Pet Therapy president Brian Hohstadt walks Streaker, the miniature pony, to the entrance of the Special Offenders Unit where he makes monthly visits to the inmates in the Monroe Correctional Complex on Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2018 in Monroe, Washington.
Dozens of colorful canoes are maneuvered into the water of Tulalip Bay as Canoe Families began another day of their journey to Muckleshoot on Friday, July 28, 2023 in Tulalip, Washington.
Jeffery Kichen, 9, left, counts out loud to keep track of how long Xavier Salazar, 12, can hold his breath underwater. The city of Victoria, Texas was hit with a rain storm that caused sudden flooding throughout the city due to the already over-saturated ground from Hurricane Harvey.
Ashley Olson releases green balloons from the dock at Davies Beach in memory of her brother, Joey Mell, who overdosed a year ago on Feb. 23, 2021 in Lake Stevens, Washington. Green was Mell’s favorite color and Olson describes her brother as “gorgeous” and “a real thrill seeker” due to his job as a highline tree trimmer.
Local high school students Bilal Jaddi (left to right), Christian Ayson, Keyshon Rife, Daniel Jenkins and Cameron Asinsin lead the crowd in chants as hundreds of protestors arrive at the parking lot along 84th Street and Mukilteo Speedway during the Black Lives Matter protest on June 7, 2020 in Mukilteo, Washington.
Courtney Mark, 56, pays his respects at the memorials set up outside of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School during back to school orientation day in Parkland, Florida on Sunday, Feb. 25, 2018. "It's too close to home not to come," said Mark. "These could have been our kids."
Avery Nicolayeff, 11 walks across a snow covered field in Forest Park during a brief snowstorm on Feb. 23, 2023 in Everett, Washington. Several school districts delayed classes after 1 or 2 inches fell across Snohomish County lowlands.
Michael Price, 8, rides an empty chair swings ride in the carnival area at the annual Everglades Seafood Festival in Everglades City, Florida on Saturday, Feb. 10, 2018.
A ferry and a tugboat move through a fog as it begins to settle in over Possession Sound in Everett on Nov. 20, 2018.
Kyler Carpenter, 10, left, and Laela Carpenter, 11, look up through a hole that was torn in their roof by Hurricane Harvey. The cousins surveyed the damage on Aug. 27, 2017 to Laela’s family home in Bayside, Texas.
A red truck navigates through floodwaters covering 28th Avenue NW along Pioneer Highway on Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2023 in Stanwood, Washington. Communities near the mouth of the Stillaguamish River remained flooded Wednesday in the aftermath of a major rainstorm. Emergency crews responded to at least 13 rescues, said Scott North, spokesperson for the county’s Department of Emergency Management.
An Everett High School graduate turns away from her cheering mother in embarrassment while her name is called in a nearly silent venue during graduation at Angel of the Winds Arena on Saturday, June 15, 2018 in Everett, Washington.
Kimono Art owners Yu Ugawa, left, and Mariko Kayama, right, help student Kotoko Miyamae, center, get fit in her kimono before a coming of age ceremony on Friday, Jan. 24, 2020 in Everett, Washington. As students turn 20, EvCC celebrates with Japanese tradition.
Riley Wong, 7, shows his pen pal, Smudge, the picture he drew of her during his time as a pen pal through the Pen Pals program at Pasado’s Safe Haven for animals in Sultan, Washington. The animals at Pasado’s Safe Haven have received more than 1,000 letters since Pasado’s Pen Pals launched a year ago in response to the COVID-19 shutdown.